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BYZANTINE - And They Shall Take Up Serpents

Retail Price: $ 25.99
Our Price: $ 6.66
You Save: $ 19.33 (74.37 %)
Product Type: CD
Title: And They Shall Take Up Serpents
Catalogue Number: 10024-2
Genre: Groove Metal, Post Thrash, Thrash Metal

Byzantine is total skull-flying M-E-T-A-L replete with wailing solos, thick acerbic vocals and vigorous time shifts that, combined, can only hint at years of thrashing to the likes of Dark Angel, Forbidden and Exhorder. Scrupulous time-shifts and strategically-placed off-beats give things a cold menacing appeal a la early Meshuggah while the occasional guitar squeal spurts a big ol’ “Fuck, yeah!” to the likes of Zakk Wylde.