Sonderkommando, Produced by, JD Tait, which is the natural follow-up to 2010’s ‘The Death Of Jesus The Jew’.
With the departure of original/ long time drummer, Urakbarameel [now in Daken], a new skin pummeling Norwegian drummer, André Kjelbergvik Thung , has been welcomed to the fold adding another ruthless dynamic to the sound. The new album is darker, slower, faster, colder, and warmer.
Guests include:
Mirai [Sigh] on keyboards, Roibeard O Bogail, [Mael Mordha] Whistle, Oristalla [Diversis] vocals, Mories [Gnaw their Tongues], Rob ‘The Baron’ Miller [Amebix], Vital Abramovitch ‘guitar [Gods Tower], Harry [son of Metatron] narration.