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EMPYRIUM - Into The Pantheon (DVD & BLU-RAY)

Our Price: $ 39.99
Product Type: DVD + Blu-ray Box
Title: Into The Pantheon (DVD+BLU-RAY)
Catalogue Number: PRO 141DVD
Genre: Black Metal, Doom Metal, Neofolk, Symphonic Rock

June 11th 2011 was a landmark date in the history of Empyrium.

After more than 15 years, Schwadorf and Helm played their very first show, taking place at the Wave Gotik Treffen in the Pantheon of Volkspalast Leipzig.

The show, which lasted about 70 minutes, was painstakingly recorded so as to be released as an audio-CD and BluRay/DVD.

This magical world premiere, recorded in high-resolution HD video, stereo and 5.1 surround sound, constitutes the heart of "Into The Pantheon".

In addition to the concert, a feature length documentary provides a detailed and exhaustive account on the band's past by means of interviews with Schwadorf, Helm and the live musicians.